This article (from the website) contains news items previously posted to this blog, but is interspersed with additional links and facts making it a worthwhile recomposition.(In English): de la Rey, will you come and lead the Boers?By
Johan Van VlaamsThe Afrikaner hit song in the video by folk singer
Bok van Blerk has been denounced by South African culture minister
Pallo Jordan as
“treason”.We have noted with keen interest the controversy generated by Bok van Blerk’s song about Anglo-Boer War General Koos de la Rey which has become a talking point in certain cultural circles because of its supposed popularity among right-wing White Afrikaans-speakers.In fact, the magazine, Huisgenoot has asked the Ministry of Arts & Culture to comment on the song and the coded message, if any, it is said to contain.Sadly, the popular song is in danger of being hijacked by a minority of right-wingers who not only regard De la Rey as a war hero but want to mislead sections of Afrikaans-speaking society to think that this is a “struggle song” that sends out a “call to arms.”.. If there are White Afrikaans-speakers who feel they are besieged by crime, it will not help matters for such persons themselves to engage in criminal activity. Taking up arms against a democratically elected government, no matter how much one dislikes that government, is a crime, and a grave one at that.The oft heard complaint that Afrikaans culture and the language are under threat is a nonsense, disproved by the very existence of journals like “Huisgenoot”, “Rooi Rose”, “Sarie Marais”, and a host of others plus at least two daily newspapers. Are there equivalents of these in the largest language community, isiZulu? Are there equivalents of these in the smallest language community, shiVenda?Afrikaans speakers, White, Coloured, African or Asian, have exactly the same rights as other South Africans. It would be a terrible shame if a handful of misguided individuals hope to use an innocent song as a rallying point for treason.The law on the issue of treason is clear, as the accused in the current “Boeremag” Trial are discovering. Those who incite treason, whatever methods they employ, might well find themselves in difficulties with the law.It is significant to note that Van Blerk himself has denied that his song has any contemporary relevance.As the Ministry of Arts & Culture, we wish the singer, Van Blerk good luck with his song, and who knows, if it’s really good, it might even become an international hit, like Solomon Linda’s Mbube.In South Africa the distinction between being a critic of the government and a traitor is small, as evinced by the minister’s reference to the so-called
Boeremag treason trial, and to the plotting of the “far-right” and the South African version of the
Gulag. The latter, incidentally, reveals its full nature in the Public Prosecutor’s five-year search for evidence of criminality while most of the accused still languish in prison.(A newsletter by the Boeremag families can be found
here [in Afrikaans/English], while anyone who wishes to send a letter of support to the accused may contact
Andrinette Van Der Walt for their address - but don’t forget to include an international post response coupon, because finances are very tight - the prisoners have barely enough money to keep in touch with their loved ones by telephone. But to know that the world hasn’t forgotten them can make a world of difference.)But back to Bok van Blerk. His video recalls how the Boers were up against 340,000 British and Empire troops.
Koos de la Rey,
the lion of the West Transvaal, was a Boer general during the Second Boer War, and is widely regarded as being one of the greatest military leaders of that conflict. The song asks General De La Rey to lead the
Afrikaner Volk (tribe) to victory against the English. In plain fact, it is the glorification of a person that lived a century ago. Bok himself has responded defensively to the furore the song has caused. He co-wrote it, he says, with Sean Else and Johan Vorster purely to reflect the history of the Afrikaans speaking people. Nothing political about it!Even so, there are many who believe that his real purpose is to call for a new leader to once again deliver his Afrikaner people out of harm. And who, excepting the ANC of course, could blame him if it was ...Personally, I’m no expert in lyrical poetry. But I don’t think the American government screens its troubadours or holds their songs under the microscope, warning darkly of the dangers of singing, let’s say, The Battle Hymn of the Republic (on the contrary, in the USA the Battle Hymn can be found on the
government’s web-site).The ANC, of course, shows no reluctance in stirring up the violent emotions of blacks. What, for example, is one to make of the leftist and populist, would-be presidential candidate Jacob Zuma’s catchy little number,
Awuleth’umishini wami (Bring me my machine gun)? These lyrics are about the here and now, and would, if implemented, be somewhat
more dangerous than Bok van Blerk’s wistful refrain:-A Botswana newspaper columnist who has backed Jacob Zuma to become president so he could “distribute white women” among his supporters has outraged some people who have branded the column as “sexist”, “racist” and “hate speech”.The offending column under the heading “President Zuma will sort out White People” was published in the Sunday Standard in Gaborone.Loose Canon said Zuma as president would address the wrongs of the past.He berated white people for complaining about their loss of privilege, affirmative action and crime and said “they should count themselves lucky they were not shot on the day of liberation. Perhaps it’s not too late to hang a few whites ... just to remind them who is in charge”.Zuma may only be the “useful idiot” of the South African left, but nonetheless he is an
extremely dangerous one. By setting himself up as the champion of the black slum dweller - the disaffected ANC supporter who still waits for the promised new cascade of wealth while the ruling Xhosa mafia enjoy a life of luxury - Zuma is effectively striking matches against a leaking petrol can.Afrikaners, too, have looked on as the elite has got rich through scrambling in the state treasury and by share-capital stealing in the framework of Black Economic Empowerment (affirmative action). BEE itself has no potential to deliver widespread change because there are simply
too few whites left to kick out.More wounding still for Afrikaners is the ever deteriorating security situation in South Africa. Not only do the farm murders continue unabated,
they are getting worse. Recently, they have
gone urban.Farm attacks go urbanSophisticated urban criminals are exploiting the same tactics used in farm attacks to hit homes in residential suburbs in South Africa’s major cities.Henri Boshoff, a military analyst at the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), told the Saturday Star yesterday that the military precision “house attacks’ in cities was very similar to farm attacks.After attending scenes of “so-called aggravated house robberies” around Gauteng (Johannesburg) in the past three months, he concluded that the modus operandi criminals used in those incidents was the same as farm attacks.From March 2005 to March 2006 South Africa recorded 10173 incidents of aggravated house robberies. Gauteng accountedfor half, at a staggering 5 909.Boshoff is calling for the police to classify “house attacks” as a separate crime category, as farm attacks are categorised, because a variety of crimes including murder, rape and hijacking occurred during those incidents.“The government needs to see this crime as a priority and put a task team on to it. That’s the only way to stop these syndicates. We need more-visible and proactive policing,” he said.“There is no difference between these house attacks and farm attacks. Houses are being targeted and someone is doing some reconnaissance. They find out what is in the house in terms of money and jewellery, and the movements of people.“They are even using the same kind of markings as they use in farms such as Coke bottles, stones and sticks (placed outside the property) to warn others (in the gang) at there are dogs or to be careful because there are weapons in the house.“Then the team hit the house. They use very military types of actions and all are well armed, very aggressive and violent - that’s how they shock the inhabitants. The most obvious times this is happening iswhen residents are home, because they want them to open their safes.“You could be busy having a braai (barbeque), and they hold you up and rob you. If you’re lucky they won’t shoot you, but in mostcases they do hurt people.”Most attacks, Boshoff said, happened after 8pm. And often, houses in affluent suburbs, “where they know there is money and jewellery”, are targeted.Cellphones were not valuable to the criminals, while victims’ cars were merely used to get away from the scene and were dumped later.Hangwani Mulaudzi, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Safety and Security said he didn’t want to comment on Boshoff’s findings but said it was unlikely the police would make “house attacks” a separate category.“It’s house robbery You can’t call it an attack. People enter the house, and when you go to court you can dissect the crimes individually. It’s already categorised as housebreaking or robbery.”Dr Jotan Burger of the ISS said it was alarming that farm attacks were “seeping into cities”.“It seems as if criminals are becoming bolder by the day, and they can only do that if they have enough confidence that they won’t get caught,” he said.South Africans were tired of being powerless victims of crime and had little faith in the police and the justice system.“If the government is as serious as it says it is, then it must now take the lead and give this fight the sort of urgency one would expect if we were confronted with a military threat - but we don’t see that.”Mulaudzi added it was very sad when people generalised about crime in South Africa. “The police are working hard to protect this country and its constitution. Yes, we do have a crime problem but it’s not unique to South Africa. It’s global.And looming over all this sadness is yet one more dark and menacing cloud. The health of the world-wide “political saint” and icon of the ANC, Nelson Mandela, is deteriorating. In intelligence circles it is said that it won’t take very long now. Justified or not, his
status in the
political firmament has held in check the most destructive political and social impulses in South Africa. With Mandela’s death the end of Mandelatopia, the black Apartheid State called “equality”, is coming closer too.Western intelligence agencies are on high alert for South Africa. It is said that orders exist for military vessels to be despatched to evacuate Westerners with the right passports. But the humble white South African does not have the right passport. He fears a full-scale Uhuru, and knows he may have to prepare for the worst.So, for example, leaders of the former South African Weermag are busy drawing up
internal evacuation plans (in Afrikaans) to get their fellow countrymen, if necessary, out of reach of black mayhem. There are still enough safe havens in the South African countryside for the purpose. One of the places of convergence for fugitives will be the little town of Heilbron in the Riemland region, south of the river Vaal. Accordingly, the buying of tents, provisions and everything needed for a long encampment is underway.Rumours are rife these days in South Africa. But some things go beyond rumour. Afrikaners wonder, for example, why
the ANC is training thousands of mercenaries in Mozambique (in Afrikaans). Why is there a need for an army outside democratic control?If they come they will find that the Afrikaner still knows how to defend himself. He is, after all, the great, great grandson of the farmer-marksmen of De la Rey’s time.“De la Rey, De la Rey will you come and lead the Boers? De la Rey, De la Rey, General, General we will fall around you as one, General de la Rey